My name is Omar Erwin, and I am a 36 year old black man. This is quite embarrassing because I don't know who will be reading this because I do plan on publishing this letter? to the internet. You may know me personally or you may not, but the possibility of you knowing who I am is enough. But at the same time those of you who don't know me could very well benefit from this information. And so I push forward.
OK. I have been told that I am not a bad looking guy. Some women have even called me very attractive. I don't know but I don't let those positive opinions go to my head and assume that to get a date for me will be a breeze. Sometimes, well most times a woman doesn't always go by how a man looks. That is a factor though. As a young teenager my step-dad used to literally push me into talking to girls to get their phone numbers when we would be out in public and my mom wasn't around. This was a big thing to me back then because by nature I am a shy person. He may have only done that to satisfy his own conscience by knowing that his son wasn't gay. No offense to the gay community but my family is old school traditional and being gay is not approved of. Anyway those moments helped to build up my confidence when approaching women with the intent of getting a date with them. Back then I was what you would call a player. Me and my cousin used to be in competition. As I can recall I think I juggled up to 9 girls at one time. It was quite fun and time consuming. I played the game well enough to not get caught up. Ever.
Unfortunately for me I was wild and not respectful of the law back then. When I turned 18 I went to jail and couldn't seem to stay out of trouble all the way up until I turned 32. Yeah that's a long time. during those years somewhere along the way I lost my ability to get a date with the women I prefer to date. Maybe it was the years of incarceration, not being able to keep my mackadocious skills sharp because I was living around nothing but men. Maybe it was my self-conscience embarrassment of having a criminal background. It could have been the fact that I was broke without a job. But what I believe it was the most was the fact that my self-esteem had dropped to an all time low. A direct result of living my life the wrong way as a young man and digging myself a hole so deep it seemed impossible to climb out of.
And at 36 I am still somewhat embarrassed about my background but I have a nice relationship with God and now I am finally on the right path. That being said if you are a man who is feeling not so confident when it comes to women, don't be. Stand in the mirror and look at yourself. Smile. Frown. Look at yourself with a blank expression. Doing these things over and over will help you to visualize how you look to other people when you are engaged in conversation with them. If you are like I was, you might feel self-conscience when you get to talking to people especially women you don't know. This can be overcome. All it takes is a little self-encouragement. A little practice. I'm here to tell you that when you approach a woman to get a date with her and she gives you even a little attention you do have a shot at getting a date. And if you get turned down don't let that bother you. Even the most attractive man in the world is not able to get a date with ANY woman on the planet.
There is nothing like that feeling when you feel like you can’t find Ms./Mr. Right. Or having to seek out prostitutes/gigalos in order to get your rocks off. I am a living witness, trust me.
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